💰 Money and our Monkey Brains - How to use financial psychology for more effective marketing
FREE 60 min Webinar:
Photo by mali maeder from pexels
Learn about the science of why people save, invest, and spend their money
And how to get more financial impact from your marketing
Why are financial decisions rarely just rational? Why does more money not make some people happy? And the strange reasons why the number 99 is appealing and ZEROES are not.
In this webinar, we will reveal the science of how people make financial decisions and show you how to use these insights to improve your marketing.
This is ideal for you if you work in financial services, or if you are trying to get people to part with their hard-earned money.
Watch our free 60-minute webinar on how to use financial psychology for more effective marketing.
Watch now to learn:
📛 surprising price psychology about how brains process numbers and money
⏰ why we make some decisions now, and put others off for later (or never)
👉 the best ways to motivate different financial decisions (and the pitfalls to avoid)
And how to apply these and other principles to get measurably better results.
Join Patrick Fagan - behavioural scientist, author and co-founder at Capuchin Behavioural Science as he shares practical, actionable advice for applying behavioural science to your marketing communications.
Get practical ideas to make a measurable impact on your marketing.
Does it work?
We will show you how to use scientific, psychological techniques when talking about money to your audiences - the same approach that increased conversion by 2% for a multichannel client.
This approach has also:
Reduced cost per acquisition by 39% for a Financial Services Brand
Improved brand metrics by over 25% for a Global Entertainment Network
Increased conversion by nearly 3 percentage points for a B2B Tech Player
About Capuchin Behavioural Science
Capuchin is a behavioural science-based research and consulting practice based in London, UK. We help you understand the psychology of audiences, make brand propositions more resonant, and design engaging communications and effective nudges.
Learn more about how we work:
Get in touch and find out how we can help you.