Browse our latest useful nuggets, opinions, and findings as food for thought.
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🧠 The Psychology of Fear, Learning and Creativity
How brains overcome fear through learning. Why science says everyone is a morning person. Creativity and the human brain. And learning from baby talk.
🧠 The Psychology of Habits, Mimicry and Shared Belief
How the brain manages multiple habits. A sense of shared belief changes how we act. The subtle influence of mimicry. Choice and "search aversion"
🧠 The Psychology of Restraint, Reward and Games
Reward and Restraint. Be Honest (you won’t be). The psychology of comparison and risk-taking. The serious psychology of games and business.
Boost Conversions & Cut Costs With Behavioural Science
How Does it Work and How Much Does it Cost?
🧠 The Psychology of Price, Happiness and Positivity
How prices can change our happiness. Positive keywords get better CTR’s. The absolute best way to use hyperbole. Happy people get lower prices.
🧠 The Psychology of Luxury, Life and Illusions of Adequacy
Why we cling to illusions of information adequacy. On conspicuous consumption. How brains divide days into chapters. And don't miss our latest webinars.
🧠 You’re Being Irrational! How to Use Psychology in B2B Marketing for More Impact
Watch this short, sharp behavioural science webinar. Streaming free now.
🧠 The Psychology of Negative Words, AI Lies & Nostalgia
Why not all negative words are equal. How betrayal can drive cooperation. Why we're okay if AI lies to us. And what nostalgia does to our brains.
How to Apply Behavioural Science for Better Results in Gaming
Whatever your challenge, we’ve most probably faced it - or very similar before.
From sports to candy crush, from profiling to player protection, from physical locations to apps.
Wherever and however your audience is made up, and whether you reach them directly or via partners, all around the world – we’ve probably done it.
How to Apply Behavioural Science for Better Results Financial Services
Whatever your challenge, we’ve most probably faced it - or very similar before.
From payments to pensions, from investments to innovative new offerings. From families to funerals.
Whether your audience is made up of consumers, businesses large or small or high net worth individuals. Even if it’s persuading businesses to offer your product to their customers.
Whatever the challenge – acquiring more customers, converting more leads or unlocking the value of existing customers – all around the world, we’ve probably done it.
How to Apply Behavioural Science for Better Results in Packaged Goods
Whatever your challenge, we’ve most probably faced it - or very similar before.
From healthy food to indulgent treats. From laundry products to non-alcoholic beer. The everyday, the alternative and the premium.
Wherever your customers are in the world and whatever their mood or mode. And whether you sell direct or through stores.
🧠 The Psychology of of PRE-crastination, AI Anger, Venting and Surprise
How venting can make you more likeable. The impulse to complete tasks sooner than necessary. AI, Trust and Anger. And a useful study on surprise.
💵 You're Being Irrational! How to Use Psychology in Financial Services for More Impact
Watch this short, sharp behavioural science webinar. Streaming free now.
🧠 The Psychology of Confusion, Betrayal, Pausing and Competition
Why can confusion be good for a brand. The paradox of breaches of trust. How pausing makes better interactions and why we compete more with those we know.
🍌 The Psychology of Bananas, Selfishness, Decision and Lies
Why smartphones make us more self-centred. Why would you click repeatedly on a banana image? What your decision-making time tells others. Why we lie.
🧠 The Psychology of Images, Confusion, Causes and Strangers
How do images change our perceptions? Why strangers spread messages better. Why does confusion drive stronger memories? And how you reveal your values
🧠 The Psychology of Motivation and AI, Anxiety and Curiosity
How does AI change according to user motivations? Why curiosity doesn't always want fast answers. And the psychology of anxiety and transparency.
🧠 The Psychology of Rhythm, Food and Lying
How does Rhythm Unite and Separate us? How to Spot a Liar? Why we Procrastinate (and what do about it)? And How to make Healthy Food More Desirable.
Demystifying Research Costs: How Much Should A Proper Study Really Cost?
Unveiling the secrets of your target audience is priceless. But what’s the price?
🧠 The Psychology of Voices, Rage and Waiting
How do voices change our perceptions? Does rage at work make us more effective? Is AI more co-operative than humans? And the science of waiting