Why Dog People Vote Conservative and Gin Drinkers Won’t Agree to Requests: How to Combine Psychology and Data for Better Results
FREE 60 min webinar
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Your marketing can be 39% more effective when you customise it to specific behavioural traits.
We will show you how to build these profiles using (often apparently unrelated) data and apply them at scale.
Watch now and we will show you:
how to build effective psychological profiles
how to develop personalised nudges
how to deploy them across your business at scale
(and why gin drinkers are less likely to agree to a request and dog people more likely to vote conservative)
Join Patrick Fagan - behavioural scientist, author and co-founder at Capuchin Behavioural Science as he shares practical, actionable advice for combining psychology and data science for measurably better results.
Learn about the personalised nudges you could be missing
You may have heard of “nudges”, but do you know how to personalise them to different customer psychologies?
People have limited brainpower for paying attention to anything, let alone marketing. They rely on subconscious shortcuts instead.
“Nudges” tap into these shortcuts to change behaviour.
But that’s just the start.
Nudges can be made even more effective if you can tap into specific behavioural traits.
Research has demonstrated how different groups respond to different messages, including tone of voice, aesthetics and ‘nudges’.
For example:
Open people prefer more verbose messages
Conscientious people are ‘nudged’ by free gifts
Extraverts prefer diverse, stimulating aesthetics
Agreeable people like ethical brand propositions
Neurotic people are more risk-averse
Find out how to target, design and apply “personalised nudges” across your business
We will show you how to use data analytics and technology to target different messages with specific nudges to different audience groups - the same approach that reduced cost per acquisition by 39% for a Financial Services Brand
About Capuchin Behavioural Science
Capuchin is a behavioural science-based research and consulting agency based in London, UK. We help you understand the psychology of audiences, make brand propositions more resonant, and design engaging communications and effective nudges.
Learn more about how we work:
reveal hidden opportunities
be more persuasive
shift your audiences’ behaviour
Get in touch and find out how we can help you.